Above is the last supper enjoyed by the Emperor of Rome, Gaius Julius Caesar. Sort of.
I love the high-energy style of filming food that we have seen ont’ telly recently, and fancied a little leap in the direction of that particular bandwagon. This is my own spin on the work done by those crafty Frenchmen… with the idea of making something a little more organic and foodie perhaps.
- 152 hrs spent in my shed making rigs.
- 22,000 elastic bands.
- 16 visits to B&Q.
- Milk of the ever wonderful Penny Markham.
- 6 pints of lightly fingered blue tack.
- A dusting of fancy fingered Rob Morris, food stylist to the stars. Thank you thank you sir.
- 1 very happy butcher for all the lamb chops I bought.
- A most attractive wife to cook prawns into the night.
- 12 oz. Joe McNally lovely editor man.
- 1 James ever clever never late Heaphy on after effects.
- 1 kindest man in the world Paul Harrison, salon colourist.
- Sellotape.
Wow, what an amazing piece, showcasing the beauty of food. Just incredible!
What is the music?
Fantastic film – looks stunning,
What is that track? it works perfectly.
Very Nice!
What is the music?
Is the same or different track?
Whats the track name with the mussels scene? The really chill one
Beautiful work by the way 
These pieces are brilliant. The concepts are fabulously thought out and executed.
Inspiring. I want to work with you, or at the very least be you when I grow up.
Thank you for laboring over this and sharing. ~ J
With a #LastSupper like that @littlefishfilms you’d die and go to heaven even if you didn’t deserve to
Your videos are almost sexy! I will be waiting for the next ones. Where do I sign up?

Whilst I admit to being pretty much brand new to filming things, I have analysed this shot for shot and still don’t know how half of it was made. The tomatoes at 0:14 are particularly bending my mind? and how did you get so close to the muscles at 0:37-39! I don’t know which bits are after effects and which aren’t
anyway I found this all very inspiring, thanks 
WowWowWow…what’a fck man…?!?
It’s absofckn’lutely faultless…!!!
Immense class & elegance & fckn’ good taste…and fckn’ yummi as well…rsrsrs…tnxs GOD, human fckn’ being(?!?) like U, still fckn’ exist…C. O. N. G. R. A. T. S!!!
And last but not least: FUCKING THANK YOU…Bless’U & Fam bro…!!!
Fantastic work! I second the question about the music. Who is it? Perfect choice.
It’s Onra – The Anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Eomd6KInwc
Gus, by now I assume you have been booked solid by every company out there looking for a piece of your immeasurable talents, but if their is any way my social food company could work with you please reach out to me.
Either way, unbelievable, serious blown away. Congrats sir and please do reach out.
Stunning work! Thank you for doing it and sharing it!
Everyone’s asking about the music. I wondered the same thing. Haven’t you ever heard of Shazam, people?! It’s “The Anthem,” by Onra. I had the song stuck in my head the rest of the day.